About me
Hello there! I am a fourth year doctoral student at the Affective Computing Lab at the University of South Florida under the supervision of Prof. Shaun Canavan. I specialize in Affective Computing, which is a branch in Computer Science that deals with developing tools to perform human behaviour analysis. I am currently pursuing my Masters + PhD in Computer Science from the University of South Florida and I received my B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering from Visveraya Technological University.
My research interests include:
- Affective Computing: Analysing affective components in humans which includes emotions, expressions, action units using various modalities. The downstream application includes reflective thinking and PTSD analysis.
- Representation Learning: Utilizing the capabilites of flow-based models to explore the latent space of the affective components. The downstream applications is extended to out-of-distribution recognition and facial expression recognition
- Biometrics: Face verification on large-scale dataset and Continuous authentication of mobile users.
-[June 2024] Paper accepted at ECCV 2024.
-[May 2024] Served as a reviewer for NeurIPS 2024.
-[Jan 2024] Presented my research on OOD detection for AI+X.
-[May 2023] Paper accepted at IJCB 2023 .
-[Jan 2023] Awarded best doctoral presentation.
-[2023] Served as a reviewer at ACII 2023.
-[May 2022] Obtained masters degree with 3.8 GPA.
-[May 2022] Moved to candidacy by successfully proposing my major area. PPT.
-[Feb 2022] Served as a reviewer at ICPR 2022.
-[Sept 2021] Won the best paper award at ACII 2021.